Stadsmissionens Skolstiftelse

An idea-based organisation that runs upper secondary schools and upper secondary special schools.

Stadsmissionens Skolstiftelse has close to 400 employees and around 3 000 students and participants in its upper secondary schools, its folk high school, and vocational high school around the Mälardalen region.

The organisation needed a new IT provider who could take overall responsibility for the day-to-day functioning of all IT for staff and students, but who could also take strategic responsibility and advise on the choice of services and technology. Therefore, a tender was initiated for server operations, fibre connectivity and communications, workplaces, mobile telephony, printing, and the strategic partnership. Stadsmissionens Skolstiftelse does not have its own IT department and therefore there is a need for support from an external partner.

Customer Benefit

The customer now feels that they have a supplier who can provide the day-to-day IT operations, ensuring that everything works, and a strategic partner who can assist them in working proactively with IT and digitalisation. With flexible IT as a service solutions, they avoid having old equipment and only pay for what they need right now.

Stadmissionens Skolstiftelse is an idea-based, non-profit organisation with the goal of providing education for everyone. The School Foundation runs upper secondary and upper secondary special schools under the name Grillska and adult education at Stadsmissionens Folkhögskola and Yrkeshögskola. About 2 800 students attend Grillska Gymnasiet’s six upper secondary schools in the Mälardalen region. In total, almost 3 000 people are studying at courses and programmes run by Stadsmissionens Skolstiftelse.


Stadmissionens Skolstiftelse chose IT as a service through Qlosr, i.e., flexible IT solutions for server operation, workstations, clients, and print with associated support. The agreement contains the strategic partnership as a natural part where the proactive perspective is included in all projects.

To ensure quality throughout delivery, projects have been divided into different phases guided by a shared set of priorities. The first delivery for the start of school in August includes an improved student platform and clients for new students. In parallel, preparatory work is underway to support the major implementation and migration of the server environment that will take place during the autumn.

The strategic partnership permeates the dialogue that takes place weekly and continuously addresses issues that arise to ensure the expected delivery of the project components, and the first part of the delivery that belongs to everyday life is expected to be completed by the turn of 2019/2020 and then transition to management and leave room for continued work on the development of the customer’s business and the set goals, which is managed according to Qlosr’s concept for the future.

 “Qlosr’s proactive approach already during the tender process impressed us. You could ask the right questions and give us clear answers to the questions we had ourselves. By asking us the right questions, we discovered significant issues we could easily have missed ourselves,” Per continues.

Do you have questions about operation and monitoring?

Contact us

We have offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Uppsala, Södertälje, Skövde, Uddevalla, Vänersborg, Skara, Kristinehamn, and Vara.